Genzebe Dibaba, one of five running sisters from Ethiopia,…
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This year, Turkish language courses will be offered at the E…
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Recently, Wonder Woman destroyed the god of war, Ares, in th…
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Getish Mamo – Tekebe 3 Yamegnal (Ethiopian Music)
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Fikir Ayzerefem - Poem By Tagel Seifu
www.hiwot.video is a fast growing Ethiopian entertainment and sports website that was launched in September 2013. The site has over 800,000 social media followers, and received over a million page views per ...

Most of the time I feel like Roger Federer here. Not that I a…
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Ruhr NachrichtenSo geht es mit der Neven-Subotic-Stiftung weiter - Ruhr NachrichtenRuhr NachrichtenDORTMUND Neven Subotic hat Dortmund als Fußballprofi verlassen. In der vergangenen Woche verkündete der BVB den Wechsel des Serben zum französischen Erst...