Ethiopian entrepreneur, 27, faces execution in China after being arrested on cocaine trafficking charges

An Ethiopian entrepreneur faces execution in China after being accused of smuggling cocaine into the country in shampoo bottles.
Nazrawit Abera, 27, who is an engineering graduate, was arrested on drug trafficking charges and could face death if found guilty.

A childhood friend asked her to deliver the bottles of shampoo which she did not know contained the Class A drug, according to local media.

Her friends and family say she is innocent and was duped into transporting beauty products.

The childhood friend was remanded in custody by Ethiopian police but has now gone on the run and her whereabouts are unknown.

According to Ms Abera’s brother, the Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing is helping her pay for legal expenses while she awaits sentencing.

She has not been allowed any contact with family and friends since she was arrested in January.

One friend, who wished to remain anonymous, told local media: ‘We are fearful, angry and do not know where to go and cry.

‘We have not heard from her and we have little information of her status and her parents cry and spend sleepless nights hoping their daughter will come back.’