Sheger FM interview with Dr. Getachew Tesema (Capitain Yared Getachew’s father)

‘‘I am coming to Nairobi. I have forgotten my phone, but we will talk once I get there,” these were the last words, Mr Yared Getachew, the pilot of the ill-fated Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 uttered to his mother as he prepared to steer the aircraft for the less than two-hour flight to Nairobi.

It was a trip he had done many times before, and even for his family, this was nothing to worry about given that he had flown for more than 8,000 hours as he charted a path in aviation.
His confidence that fateful morning was confirmed by his mother, Dr Rayan Shapi, whom he last spoke to before starting the journey that ended tragically by claiming all 157 people on board.